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Grow, Flourish, Thrive
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Change Management
You don’t like what you see. You want something different. It could be: Better financial results, More pro-activity, productivity, and...

Stop Asking Your Sales People to Sell
It is only Tuesday and already this week I have had the same conversation with two different companies. Both sell business to business...

We've Destroyed HR - Please Help!
What I See What I See is a series of short essays on what takes place in businesses. Through the engagements of consulting firm Gift of...

Cost Saving Measures NOT on your Radar
Ten years ago, after the stock market meltdown of 2008, our company, like most, was looking at cost savings steps. We considered scores...

You Can’t Outrun a D-
My wife constantly reminds me that as parents, we are only as happy as our least happy child. As a numbers person, I equate this to a GPA (G

Improve Profitability by Focusing on Reporting, Relationships, & Resources
Companies are like sharks. When they stop moving, they die. You may not realize it, but right now your company is either improving or...
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