Grow, Flourish, Thrive

"Good to great companies first got the right people on the bus--and the wrong people off the bus--and then figured out where to drive it."
-Jim Collins, Good to Great
Sometimes even top performers have trouble working effectively in a team environment. The whole should greatly exceed the sum of the parts, but this is not always the case. When this happens, teams end up with drama and “in-fighting”. There are steps to take the get your team out of the negative cycle and onto a more positive and productive path.
Simple put, even the greatest actors & athletes have coaches. Having a coach invested primarily in the success of the individual is truly a gift. The benefits are far reaching and typically go beyond what was originally anticipated. Individuals will be more productive, happier, work with a greater purpose, feel less alone, act more confidently, and therefore be positioned to be a better leader.
Many people have taken personality assessment and found them interesting, but not particularly useful. As a Certified Professional Behavioral Analyst, I will show you how to effectively interpret the results of assessments and use it as a super effective tool to improve interpersonal relationships. It provides great awareness for individuals into themselves and others and serves as a common language to facilitate more meaningful coaching conversations.
Getting the right people on the team is so critical to your success. Even the best game plan is not enough without the right players. And despite the importance of this function, so many organizations have not learned an effective way to systematically hire. Implement a proven approach to hire more effectively and your results will improve exponentially.
Sometimes the way an organization is structured on paper just doesn’t work. You have already tried different people in the roles and maybe even changed the leadership. From the roles and responsibilities to the overlap between departments, organizational design is critical to its success. If not designed correctly, it may not matter who you put in the role, you will be frustrated by the results and the individuals involved will be frustrated working within the sub-optimal system.
We are not all motivated in the same fashion. Certain job functions and personality types lend themselves to different compensation and incentive structures. Too often we don’t get creative enough with our motivational tools. This leads to employee frustration that in turn leads to complaining or top performers leaving the organization. By thinking through your compensation and incentive plan you can design something that works for everyone.